in-person/online worship at 9:00 a.m.
Radio Broadcast (of previous week) at 10:00 a.m. on KFIL FM
bulletin 7.30.2023.pdf
Worship Assistants in July
2 Jaxton Heibel/Rosemary Pikula
9 Thomas Pikula/Cooper Pickett
16 Lexi Engen/Cooper Holtegaard
23 Elias Corson/Ryan Schroeder
30 Chase Gatzke/Kane Larson
2 Brody Niemeyer
9 Maddie Topness
16 Mathew Bakken
23 Kyla Hellickson
30 Taelyn Kerns
2 Andy Bunge
9 Traci Corson
16 Darrel Olson
23 Gail Bunge
30 Bev Olson
Altar Guild…………………………………..Gail Bunge/Mary Irish/Vicki Kruegel
Ushers………………….Jon Ebner/Michael Johnson/Jim Keune/Dean Solberg
Communion Assistants
July 2 ………………………………………………………Susan Pikula/Carol Solberg/Sara Niemeyer
July 16…………………………………………………Darrel Olson/Michael Johnson/______________
Money Counters
2 Jo Randall/Bev Olson
9 Steve Corson/Brad Leathers
16 Sandy Amundson/Carol Solberg
23 Susan Hager/Dawn Hellickson
Christ Lutheran Church – Preston, Minnesota
Telephone: (507) 765-2161
Weekly Calendar
Thursday, July 27
11:30 a.m. Exercise class
Friday, July 28
tbd Call Committee
Sunday, July 30
9:00 a.m. Worship
Tuesday, August 1
11:30 a.m. Exercise class
Thursday, August 3
11:30 a.m. Exercise class
1:00 p.m. Christ Crafters
Sunday, August 6
9:00 a.m. Worship/Communion
*Help Wanted!
We are looking for a couple more people who are interested in being Technology Assistants – Responsibilities include opening up the church on Sunday mornings, turning on the audio and video systems, setting up/managing the livestream, shutting down all equipment after services and locking up the church. May also be asked to manage the livestream during funerals. No experience, no problem -We will train you! $35 a Sunday – Must be at least 14 years old. All interested people should contact the office
*CLC Craft and Bake Sale
The 2023 planning committee for the CLC Craft & Bake Sale would like to thank Janet Erdman, Carol Solberg, and Gail Bunge for volunteering to be part of this year’s team. We held our first planning meeting on July 11 and have some new ideas to make this year’s event even better! Kayla Peterson will also be assisting with the work in The Gnome Cafe. We are still seeking one additional person to be part of her team. Feel free to reach out to the planning committee members if you have questions. This is a fun and important fundraiser for our congregation and your help and input is needed.
Barb Mielke (ph. 651-283-1312), Alison Leathers (ph. 507-252-8049), Diane Johnson (ph. 507-251-6922), Janet Erdman (ph. 612-756-1578), Carol Solberg (ph. 507-421-5901), and
Gail Bunge (507-259-1444).
*Thank you for your faithful giving
to help us continue the mission and ministry of Christ Lutheran Church during a time in the which the hope of Christ is needed more than ever. Offering envelopes have the church’s address on them and can be mailed in. Text, online and direct giving is also an option. For more information see our giving page:
*Please let the office or a member of the Church Council know if one of your loved ones is sick or has passed or if you or someone you know is going to be in the hospital so that we may acknowledge them in our prayer list.
All faith communities within the Root River conference are
invited to North Prairie Lutheran Church to participate in a
six session study curriculum on Civic Life and Faith.
We will begin on Saturday, August 19th at 10:00 a.m.
To reserve a seat please contact
7/27 Jezlyn Finseth
7/28 Chris Olson; Dave & Cynthia Hokenson – Anniv.
7/29 Kamryn Peterson
7/30 Sawyer Johnson, Ellen Schwartz
7/31 Linda Trende
8/2 Makaila Eickhoff
Please keep in your prayers….
Tom Johnson
Jeanette Schmidt, who is on Hospice
Carol Gosi
Pastor Dave Jore
Val Christensen
Barb Barrett
Rosalie Krips
Richard Johnson
Arlen Kiehne
Bo Bakke
Bridget Case
Steve & Karen Kling
Walt Hansen, who is at Harmony Care Center
Don Berkland, who is at Harmony Care Center
Jim Hahn, who is at The Harmony Place
Ann Ott, who is at The Harmony Place
Betty Riehl, who are at Park Lane Estates
Helen Haugen, who is at Park Lane Estates
Marilyn Bunge, who is at Park Lane Estates
Arlene Bakalyar, who is at Park Lane Estates
Adie Milne, who is at Harmony Healthcare
Irene Aarre, who is at Traditions
Elaine Hellickson, who is at Traditions
Averlene Marzolf, who is at Traditions
Lew Randall, who is at Traditions
Marga Moen, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Alice Cummings, who is at Chatfield Assisted Living
Jim Fossum, who is at The Fillmore Place
Jan Milne, Brookdale Senior Living
Helen Haugerud, who is at The Waters on Mayowood
Evie Christianson, who is at Seasons of Apple Valley
DeWayne Vogt, who is at Luther Oaks Skilled Nursing Care, Bloomington, IL
Telephone: (507) 765-2161
2023 Council
Mike Erdman, Susan Pikula, Sara Niemeyer, Mike Johnson, Darrel Olson,
Andy Bunge, Bruce Hoff