Opportunities to Serve!
New in Fall of 2024 – Member Survey – Things I Like to Do
We are called to appreciate the diversity of gifts and talents the Body of Christ shares and we are called to BE the church. The church is not a building but a living offering to God. We live our faith in action. Tell us what you like to do and help us cultivate a community of faith living out our mission to Love God, Love People and Follow Jesus! Tell us what you like to do by completing the survey below.
Technology Assistants
Help Wanted – We are looking for a couple more people who are interested in being Technology Assistants.
Responsibilities include opening up the church on Sunday mornings, turning on the audio and video systems, setting up/managing the livestream, shutting down all equipment after services and locking up the church. May also be asked to manage the livestream during funerals. No experience, no problem – We will train you! $35 a Sunday – Must be at least 14 years old.
CLC Card Ministry
All members are invited to share in the joy of our CLC Card Ministry!
A basket of envelopes has been placed in the Narthex, each envelope
contains 1, 3, or 5 congregation members names and addresses. CLC
Card Ministry asks that you send a card or a kind note to each
person/family in the envelope (boxed Thinking of You cards are
available for purchase in the Narthex). Let us reach out with kindness.
Money Counters
If you are able to help after worship services to help with counting the offering donations, please let the church office know. Thank you!