Sunday, January 12, 2025 –
Baptism of Our Lord
in-person and online worship at 9:00 a.m.
Radio Broadcast (of previous week) at 10:00 a.m. on KFIL FM
bulletin 1.12.2025.pdf
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, January 12
9:00 a.m. Worship
10:00 a.m. Adult Ed.
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Frolic class
10:00 a.m. Summer Trip meeting (9-12th graders)
Tuesday, January 14
11:00 a.m. Exercise
6:30 p.m. Stewardship
Wednesday, January 15
9:30 a.m. Traditions
10:30 a.m. Park Lane
6:00 p.m. Confirmation
6:30 p.m. Women of Christ Lutheran meeting
Thursday, January 16
11:00 a.m. Exercise
Sunday, January 19 – Generous Together
9:00 a.m. Worship/Communion
10:00 a.m. Adult Ed.
10:00 a.m. Cross Generational Sunday school and fellowship
Worship Assistants in January
5 Harper Pickett/Taelynn Kerns
12 Ava Severson/Kaylee Hernandez
19 Melony Wingert/Maggie Wingert
26 Braelynn Dierkes/Lexi Engen
5 Lily Ledin
12 Jackson Fischer
19 Cooper Holtegaard
26 Jax Heibel
5 Bev Olson
12 Michael Johnson
19 Jenna Pederson
26 Alison Leathers
5 Ron Laughlin & Sandy Amundson
12 Jim Keune & Mary Glaser
19 Mary Zimmerman
26 Alison & Brad Leathers and family
Altar Guild…………………………………………………………..Roxie Knies/Lynn Haugan/Pam Mensink
Ushers…………………………………………………Rick Grooters/Kevin Every/Robert Hanson/Scott Wilson
Communion Assistants
January 5……………………………………………………………………Darrel Olson/Katie Harstad/Jen Pickett
January 19……………………………………………………………Bruce Hoff/Dawn Hellickson/Carol Solberg
*Please let the office or a member of the Church Council know if one of your loved ones is sick or has passed or if you or someone you know is going to be in the hospital so that we may acknowledge them in our prayer list or pay them a visit.
*Celebrating Baptism! Ages birth to preschool– Sunday, January 12, 9:00 am Worship. It’s Baptism of the Lord Sunday. Let’s also celebrate your child’s baptism! CELEBRATE your child’s baptism with a blessing during worship. GIFTS for your child – baptized children through age four will receive a book or a Bible FAITH PRACTICES to bring home will be explored in Frolic (ages birth-3 years) and Sunday School.
*Frolic with Christ Lutheran! – Sunday, January 12 – 10 a.m. Frolic is a class for parents/caregivers and children birth to age 3. Shelby Ristau is leading Frolic and together you will experience Bible stories through circle time (music, story, group play); play stations that may include craft and sensory play; and more. If you are familiar with ECFE classes in the school district, you will be familiar with the format at Frolic. We hope you will enjoy this opportunity to come together with other young families. For more information, contact Pastor Kris or Shelby Ristau. We look forward to this special time together. Please RSVP to Amanda Means,, on or before Thursday, January 9 for planning purposes.
*Summer High School Trip Information Meeting for 9-12th Graders – Sunday, January 12, 10 am – Rich Kincaid and Pastor Kris are excited to plan a summer trip that combines exploring the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and the local landscape and history of the Ely MN area. Think canoeing, hiking, wolves, and root beer. Specific information and dates will be discussed January 12. Youth and parents are encouraged to attend this information meeting. If more than seven youth register, additional adult leaders will be needed! Rich is an experienced wilderness educator and leader, having taken over 600 kids into the Boundary Waters through school and church trips.
*Generous Together Sunday – January 19, 9 am Worship & 10 am – Cross+Generational Sunday School/Fellowship – What gifts to the wisdom of an elder and wonder of a child bring to our faith life? Through the story of feeding the 5000 we will see how each of us share God’s abundance. Following worship, all ages are invited to come downstairs for conversation, activities, and treats. Parents, please accompany your child to this Cross+Generational Sunday School event.
*Annual Meeting of Christ Lutheran Congregation – Sunday, January 26 (following 9 am worship) – All confirmed members are invited to the Annual Meeting. This meeting calls us to make decisions that affect our common life together as the people of God of Christ Lutheran, an intention that grows out of the Reformation idea of the “priesthood of all believers”. We look forward to sharing more specifically how your gifts are being used as well as hearing from you regarding your hopes for the ministries of Christ Lutheran. Reports will be available to the congregation by Jan. 19
*Women’s Fellowship – The next Women’s Fellowship meeting will be held Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 6:30 p.m., at the church. The topic will be “How can we help? Congregational responses to cancer, death, illness, and other serious life challenges.” All are welcome. Please join us!
*CARD MINISTRY – Christ Lutheran Church invites you to share in the joy of our CLC Card Ministry. A basket of envelopes has been placed in the Narthex, each envelope contains 1, 3, or 5 congregation members names and addresses. CLC Card Ministry asks that you send a card or a kind note to each person/family in the envelope (boxed Thinking of You cards are available for purchase in the Narthex). Let us reach out with kindness.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
1/9 Jeff Woellert
1/10 Camden Blaney
1/15 Melissa Herron, Luke Marzolf
1/16 Turner Sprenger
Please keep in your prayers….
Carole Bond, Harmony Care Center
Cynthia Hokenson
Dave Hokenson
Danny Serfling
Jacob Johnson
Jason Schwingle
Val Christensen
Rosalie Krips
Jodi Milne Trochlil
Katie Sullivan, sister of Kim Ristau
Jill Miller
Amy Timmerman
Walt Hansen, who is at Minnesota State Veterans Home, Preston
Marilyn Bunge, who is at Green Lea Manor, Mabel
Mary Lou Hansen, who is at Harmony Care Center
Ann Ott, who is at Harmony Care Center
Arlene Bakalyar, who is at Park Lane Estates
Arnie Keene, who is at Park Lane Estates
Barb Barrett, who is at Park Lane Estates
Irene Aarre, who is at Traditions
Averlene Marzolf, who is at Traditions
Helen Haugerud, who is at Traditions
Linda Hahn Smith, who is at Traditions
Arlen Kiehne, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Alice Cummings, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Jim Fossum, who is at The Fillmore Place