in-person/online worship at 9:00 a.m.
Radio Broadcast (of previous week) at 10:00 a.m. on KFIL FM
bulletin 8.27.2023.pdf
Worship Assistants in August
6 Katelyn Scheevel/Brody Niemeyer
13 Grant Tieskotter/Mathew Bakken
20 Kane Larson/Taelyn Kerns
27 Mady Wingert/Josie Corson
6 Maddie Topness
13 Chase Gatzke
20 Jaxton Heibel
27 Elias Corson
6 Traci Corson
13 Michael Johnson
20 Mary Glaser
27 Steve Corson
Altar Guild…………………………………………………………………..Sue Grooters/Jo Randall
Ushers…………………..Gary Hellickson/Joyce Hellickson/Chuck Aug/Vonnie Aug
Communion Assistants
August 6 ……………………………………………………………………….Sara N./Darrel O./Mike E.
August 20…………………………………………………………………Andy B./Michael J./Darrel O.
Money Counters
6 Jo Randall/Bev Olson
13 Steve Corson/Brad Leathers
20 Sandy Amundson/Carol Solberg
27 Susan Hager/Dawn Hellickson
Weekly Calendar
Thursday, August 24
11:30 a.m. Exercise
Sunday, August 27
9:00 a.m. Worship – Pastor Barb Streed
10:00 a.m. Congregational Meeting
Tuesday, August 22
11:30 a.m. Exercise class
Thursday, August 31
11:30 a.m. Exercise
Friday, September 1
5:00 p.m. Wedding rehearsal
Saturday, September 2
3:30 p.m. Greiner/Reicks Wedding
Sunday, September 3
9:00 a.m. Worship – Pastor Nancy Toensing
10:00 a.m. Coffee/Fellowship
We have some good news!
The Call Committee has selected a candidate for a settled call for minister of our congregation. The council has set a congregational vote for Sunday, August 27th, following the church service, to vote for acceptance of this candidate. A big thank you to the members of the Call Committee for all the energy and time given to this process, and we thank the congregation for their patience and prayers.
*Help Wanted!
We are still looking for a couple more people who are interested in being Technology Assistants – Responsibilities include opening up the church on Sunday mornings, turning on the audio and video systems, setting up/managing the livestream, shutting down all equipment after services and locking up the church. May also be asked to manage the livestream during funerals. No experience, no problem -We will train you! $35 a Sunday – Must be at least 14 years old. All interested people should contact the office
*Office hours – Amanda will be on vacation next week and office hours will vary. Please call ahead to check if you need to stop in. If there is something urgent, please get ahold of Mike Erdman 507-995-1933.
*Important Confirmation Dates to Mark on your Calendar! – UPDATED
~ Planning meeting for this year’s Confirmation Leaders- Wednesday, Sept 13th at 7:15 pm
~ Confirmation walk through for 10th graders – Wednesday, Sept 13th at 6:15 pm
~ Confirmation Sunday will be held Sunday, September 17th
~ Confirmation Orientation for 7th-9th students and parents- Wednesday, Sept 20th at 6:30 pm
~ Confirmation class begins on Wednesday, Sept 27th at 6:00 pm
*We are looking for small group leaders for the upcoming confirmation classes. We are in need of small group leaders for all three grades, 7th 8th and 9th. The curriculum will be dependent upon our new pastor and what direction they would like to lead us in. But typically, we meet on Wednesday evenings from 6pm until 7:15pm. In the past years there has been a lot of material to guide you and great support from other confirmation leaders, council and congregation. This can be a wonderful opportunity to share your faith with youth and learn and grow along with them. Please contact Christy Bakken at or 507-421-3199 to let me know if you are interested, or to ask questions, share concerns and ideas, etc.
RALLY SUNDAY – September 10, 2023 “GLOW for God”
Wear your brightest colors and join us downstairs after church for fun family activites. All children in preschool-6th grade welcome!
*First day of class will be September 17th
*Curriculum will be centered around the Ten Commandments
*If you are unable to attend Rally Sunday, contact a member of Education Team or Amanda to get a registration form.
*If you’re interested in helping with Sunday School this year, or would like to add your name to our substitute list and fill in as needed, please let us know. We can definitely use more helping hands – no amount of help is too small! Education Team – Michael & Margaret Johnson, Cassie Keene, Cari Ledin, Jenna Pederson
The 3rd Annual CLC Craft & Bake Sale is on Sat., Dec. 2, 2023 from 9-2 pm.
New this year is a raffle featuring a beautiful quilt donated by Mary Zimmerman. A decorative winter porch pot and a local gift basket are also included as raffle items. Get ready to buy your $5 tickets!
Please earmark your calendar for Dec. 2 and consider helping at our Craft & Bake Sale event on that day. We are recruiting one and all, including men of our congregation, to help with various tasks such as posting event signage outdoors; acting as a cashier/assistant; helping carry purchases (such as porch pots and bagged items) out to vehicles, etc.
We welcome any and all donations! Get creative and offer your baking, sewing, handiwork, crafts, etc. Please also consider donating gently used or new baskets as we will use them to create customized theme gift baskets. If you are unable to bake or craft, please consider donating cash gifts, Preston Bucks (purchased at F & M Community Bank), and/or Preston Foods gift cards. We will use any such donations to shop local to purchase supplies, like ingredients for mason jar soup mixes or items for our themed gift baskets. Thank you!
Please reach out to event co-chairs if you have any questions or ideas.
Alison Leathers (507) 251-8049
Barb Mielke (651) 283-1312
Janet Erdman (612) 756-1578
Carol Solberg (507) 421-5901
Gail Bunge (507) 259-1444
Kayla Peterson (507) 259-1504
Lori Winkels (507) 273-9799
*Women of the ELCA Convention 2023
The 20th Convention of the Southeastern Minnesota Synodical Women’s Organization of Women of the ELCA will be held on Saturday, September 30, 2023 at First Lutheran Church in
Red Wing, MN.
The convention theme is “Beginning Anew … Again… and Again!” The theme verse is Lamentations 3:22-23: “…for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning…”
Worship, music, speakers, fellowship, and business will fill the day. Rev. Sarah Krolak will be leading the worship.
Presenters from each of the synod’s conferences will share personal stories of their new beginnings around the convention theme. There will also be election of several board positions, as well as some other business conducted.
Registration, coffee, and vendors begin at 8:30 a.m. The formal opening of the convention is at 9:15 and closing is scheduled for around 3:30 p.m. Note that the registration deadline is September 15th; the cost is $25. There are scholarships available for first-time attendees. Registration forms and scholarship application forms will be available on the bulletin board outside the church office.
*Thank you for your faithful giving
to help us continue the mission and ministry of Christ Lutheran Church during a time in the which the hope of Christ is needed more than ever. Offering envelopes have the church’s address on them and can be mailed in. Text, online and direct giving is also an option. For more information see our giving page:
*Please let the office or a member of the Church Council know if one of your loved ones is sick or has passed or if you or someone you know is going to be in the hospital so that we may acknowledge them in our prayer list.
8/24 Randy Brevig, Marvin Ristau, Camryn Severson; Jim & Sheila Marzolf – Anniv., Richard & Linda Wolfe – Anniv.
8/25 Jonas Corson, Siri Corson
8/26 Shelley Fabian, Cindy Mensink, Arlene Staupe; David & Kathy Scheevel – Anniv.
8/27 Bruce Fishbaugher, Jon Johnson, Scott Wilson, Graceyn Riecks; Dean & Carol Solberg – Anniv., Brett & Jade Grabau, Anniv.
8/28 Gary Hellickson, Levi Hahn-Yetter,; Todd & Darla Ebner – Anniv.
8/29 Zachary Reicks, Elias Corson, Ava Severson
8/31 Andrea Hellickson, Paul Schmidt, Dan Solberg, Saxon Speer; DeWayne & Norma Vogt – Anniv.
Please keep in your prayers….
Pastor Dave Jore
Val Christensen
Barb Barrett
Rosalie Krips
Richard Johnson
Arlen Kiehne
Bo Bakke
Bridget Case
Steve & Karen Kling
Walt Hansen, who is at Harmony Care Center
Don Berkland, who is at Harmony Care Center
Jim Hahn, who is at The Harmony Place
Ann Ott, who is at The Harmony Place
Betty Riehl, who are at Park Lane Estates
Helen Haugen, who is at Park Lane Estates
Marilyn Bunge, who is at Park Lane Estates
Arlene Bakalyar, who is at Park Lane Estates
Adie Milne, who is at Harmony Healthcare
Irene Aarre, who is at Traditions
Elaine Hellickson, who is at Traditions
Averlene Marzolf, who is at Traditions
Lew Randall, who is at Traditions
Marga Moen, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Alice Cummings, who is at Chatfield Assisted Living
Jim Fossum, who is at The Fillmore Place
Jan Milne, Brookdale Senior Living
Helen Haugerud, who is at The Waters on Mayowood
Evie Christianson, who is at Seasons of Apple Valley
DeWayne Vogt, who is at Luther Oaks Skilled Nursing Care, Bloomington, IL