in-person worship only at 9:00 a.m.
Radio Broadcast (of previous week) at 10:00 a.m. on KFIL FM
bulletin 10.20.2024.pdf
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, October 20
9:00 a.m. Worship – Guest pastor Kerry Eversole
10:15 a.m. Adult Education class
Tuesday, October 22
11:30 a.m. Exercise
Wednesday, October 23
6:00 p.m. Confirmation
6:30 p.m. Women’s Fellowship
Thursday, October 24
11:30 a.m. Exercise
Saturday, October 26
8:00 a.m. Lefse Bake Day
Sunday, October 27
9:00 a.m. Worship
10:00 a.m. Trunk or Treat
10:15 a.m. Adult Education class
Worship Assistants in October
Acolytes6 Lilianna Dempewolf/Reese Larson
13 Katelyn Scheevel/Kaylee Hernandez
20 Lexi Engen/Turner Sprenger
27 Jaxton Heibel/Lily Ledin
6 Grant Tieskotter (Turner Sprenger)
13 Ava Severson (Jezlyn Finseth)
20 Maggie Wingert (Braelynn Dierkes)
27 Josh Bakken (Harper Pickett)
6 Traci Corson
13 Darrel Olson
20 Steve Corson
27 Bev Olson
6 Mike and Janet Erdman
13 Sara Niemeyer
20 Traci Corson
27 Ron Laughlin and Sandy Amundson
Altar Guild……………………………………………..Karen Trende/Andrea Hellickson/Brenda Reicks
Ushers……………………………………………………Mark Eickhoff/Jodi Eickhoff/Tyler Eickhoff/Jim Baker
Communion Assistants
October 6………………………………………………………………Michael Johnson/Jen Pickett/Katie Harstad
October 20………………………………………………………….Darrel Olson/Dawn Hellickson/Carol Solberg
*Please let the office or a member of the Church Council know if one of your loved ones is sick or has passed or if you or someone you know is going to be in the hospital so that we may acknowledge them in our prayer list or pay them a visit.
*Adult Education Class – Adult Education class will be starting back up on Sunday’s after worship in the Heritage room. Everyone is welcome!
*Pastor Kris out of the office – Pastor Kris will be on vacation from October 17-20. If you have a pastoral emergency during this time, please contact Bruce Hoff, Council President. Thanks!
*Preaching Series: Campaign for Kindness. From October 6-November 10 I will be drawing insight for my sermons from a preaching series focusing on kindness, curated by the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod of the ELCA in late spring 2024. The series does not follow the lectionary. Readings for October 20 are “Kindness over Anxiety”-
- Isaiah 25:1-9 | This is our God, we have waited for God
- Psalm 56 | When I am afraid, I put my trust in you
- Philippians 4:4-9 | Rejoice in the Lord always
- Matthew 25:14-30 | Parable of the Talents
*The next Women’s Fellowship meeting will be held Wednesday, October 23, 6:30 p.m., in the conference room at the church. We will discuss “Act Boldly in Crisis.” It is part of a 3-part series on “Act Boldly for Health,” a series from Women of the ELCA. Please join us!
*ATTENTION LEFSE AND FLATBREAD BAKERS! It is time again to bake our lefse for our Craft and Bake Sale. Our first bake day is planned for Saturday, October 26, starting at 8 am in the Fellowship Hall/Kitchen. We’re looking forward to a great turnout and making plenty of lefse. For those preparing lefse, please incorporate the flour and shape into balls before arriving at the church. Elsa and Lynn will make flatbread that day and could use extra help. They have requested air-tight large containers, like popcorn tins, to store the flatbread. If you have any that you could donate to the church, please leave them in the kitchen. All are welcome! If you have questions, feel free to contact: Joyce Every, 507-951-1345, (lefse);
Linda Wolfe, 952-807-5214, (lefse);
Lynn Benson, 507-765-2296, (flatbread);
Elsa Bye, 507-765-2410 (flatbread)
*Trunk or Treat, Sunday, October 27 – 9:00 am Worship, 10:15 am Trunk or Treat – We are returning with more tricks and treats for the 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat! You are invited to wear your Halloween costume to church. After church, head out to the parking lot for trick or treating. Volunteers will have car trunks decorated and be supplied with Halloween treats. Children will go trick or treating from car to car. What do we need besides trick or treaters? We need approximately 12 volunteers to decorate their car/SUV/truck and Halloween candy for the trick or treaters! Sign up in the narthex. And also, we’ll need candy donations! (Please bring donations of candy to church by Wed. Oct. 23rd)
*Painted Pumpkin Contest – Nov, 3rd -712th graders will be painting pumpkins on Wednesday, October 30th and they will be on display in the Narthex for Sunday’s worship on November 3rd. Bring some cash with you to vote for your favorite pumpkin. The proceeds will be donated to Hurricanes Helene and Milton through the Lutheran Disaster Response. Your generosity makes a difference in God’s world.
*Lutheran Disaster Response – for Hurricane’s Helene & Milton. Please pray for the safety of communities impacted by these hurricanes, including people in their paths and any emergency services personnel who are responding. Gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response equip us to respond to those affected by hurricanes and related disasters. Checks can be made out to Christ Lutheran with “Hurricane Response” in the memo. *100% of donations goes to Lutheran Disaster Relief because admin. costs are in included in the churchwide budget*Craft and Bake Sale Raffle Ticket Sale – The raffle ticket sales for the annual Craft and Bake Sale will begin on Sunday, Oct. 27, after the church service. We will ask the congregation for volunteers who want to help sell these tickets, and those interested can pick up tickets and instructions that day. Raffle tickets are $5.00 each. We will continue to sell these tickets after each church service until the day of the sale. Mary Zimmerman has again donated a beautiful quilt for the main prize. Other prizes include a Solo stove and John Deere bean bag toss game donated by Pam Mensink, mosaic glass wall art donated by Barb Mielke, a Farm Charm gift basket donated by Amanda Heibel, and a crystal platter with Christmas baking made by Diane Johnson and Gail Bunge. The drawing will be held on the day of the sale, December 7, at 2:00 p.m.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
10/18 Lavern Moger
10/19 Wayne Dreier, Kathy Fishbaugher, Brad Leathers; Andrew & Jenna Pederson – Anniv.
10/20 Josiana Corson
10/21 Susan Dale
10/22 Jeff Hellickson; Kurt & Brenda Reicks – Anniv.
10/23 Tyler Eickhoff, Thomas Pikula, Ella Hoff
10/24 Ann Ott, Jennifer Pickett
Please keep in your prayers….
Arnie Keene
Cynthia Hokenson
Mary Lou Hansen, who is at Harmony Care Center
Barb Barrett, Chatfield Care Center
the family of Richard Johnson
Pastor Mark Woodward and family
Wayne Ristau
Rosalie Krips
Val Christensen
Jill Miller
Amy Timmerman
Carole Engen
Axel Heller
Bo Bakke
Bridget Case
Walt Hansen, who is at Minnesota State Veterans Home, Preston
Marilyn Bunge, who is at Mabel Care Center
Ann Ott, who is at Harmony Care Center
Helen Haugen, who is at Park Lane Estates
Arlene Bakalyar, who is at Park Lane Estates
Irene Aarre, who is at Traditions
Averlene Marzolf, who is at Traditions
Helen Haugerud, who is at Traditions
Linda Hahn Smith, who is at Traditions
Arlen Kiehne, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Alice Cummings, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Jim Fossum, who is at The Fillmore Place
Jan Milne, who is at Brookdale Senior Living