Sunday, December 8, 2024 -SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT
in-person worship only at 9:00 a.m.
Radio Broadcast (of previous week) at 10:00 a.m. on KFIL FM
bulletin 12.8.2024.pdf
Weekly Calendar
Saturday, December 7
9:00 a.m. 4th Annual Craft and Bake Sale/Gnome Cafe
Sunday, December 8
8:15 a.m. Choir practice
9:00 a.m. Worship – 7th graders read and greet
10:00 a.m. Sunday school
10:00 a.m. Adult Ed.
Tuesday, December 10
11:30 a.m. Exercise
6:30 p.m. Stewardship
Wednesday, December 11
6:00 p.m. Confirmation
6:00 p.m. Executive Committee
7:00 p.m. Council
Thursday, December 12
9:00 a.m. Men’s Fellowship
11:30 a.m. Exercise
Sunday, December 15
8:15 a.m. Choir practice
9:00 a.m. Worship/Communion – Sunday school Christmas program
10:00 a.m. Adult Ed.
Worship Assistants in December
1 Cooper Holtegaard/Josh Bakken
8 Jackson Fischer/Lexi Engen
15 Lily Ledin/Grant Tieskotter
22 Lilianna Dempewolf/Katelyn Scheevel
24 4:30 Jax Heibel/Jezlyn Finseth
29 Turner Sprenger/Reese Larson
1 Kaylee Hernandez
8 Josh Bakken
15 Jezlyn Finseth
22 Harper Pickett
24 4:30 Lexi Engen
29 Braelynn Dierkes
1 Darrel Olson
8 7th graders
15 Children’s program
22 Traci Corson
24 4:30 Nancy Hengeveld
29 tba
1 Dawn Hellickson
8 7th graders
15 Jon & Lynn Haugan
22 Traci Corson
24 4:30 Bruce & Teresa Hoff
29 Ron & Marilyn Schreier
Altar Guild……………………………………Jennifer Pickett/Diane Johnson/Sue Hager/Chris Olson
Ushers……………………………………………..Todd Ebner/Darla Ebner/Tony Severson/Darrel Olson
Communion Assistants
December 1………………………………………………..Melissa Severson/Darrel Olson/Carol Solberg
December 15……………………………………………………..Jen Pickett/Randy Hahn/Christy Gildner
December 24 4:30……………………………………….Carol Solberg/Dawn Hellickson/Sara Niemeyer
*Please let the office or a member of the Church Council know if one of your loved ones is sick or has passed or if you or someone you know is going to be in the hospital so that we may acknowledge them in our prayer list or pay them a visit.
*The Craft and Bake Sale set for Sat. Dec. 7 is just days away. Help spread the world by telling family, friends & neighbors! Find the event on Facebook & share & like it! New this year is a Free Kids Christmas Craft Room where children and youth can complete a few craft projects to keep or gift to others. The crafts will continue as supplies last. Preschool age children should be accompanied by an adult or older sibling. Please refer to the Nov. or Dec. Ambassador for additional updates. You can also get an information sheet in the narthex which lists the prices for baked goods and the donation drop off times. Call or text Alison Leathers at 507-251-8049 if you are interested in volunteering. There may be a few spots yet open. Thanks!
*Things I Like to Do – How might you use your gifts in new or familiar ways as we live out our mission to “Love God, Love People, and Follow Jesus”? The Evangelism Committee, led by Jennifer Pickett, has created a Things I Like to Do Survey. We invite you to fill out the survey by either paper copy (available in the Narthex or in the office) or on our website
PLEASE fill out this survey before December 31st.
*GEV Lunch & Learn – Tuesday, December 17 – There’s nothing quite like singing with people who love to sing. Join music leader Richard Bruxvoort Colligan for this half-hootenanny, half-concert among the beautiful Good Earth winter woods. Richard’s lyric voice and acoustic guitar will lead us in singing favorite tunes together plus some songs to just relax and listen to. There’s sure to be laughter, stories, and good company. Sign up in the narthex by December 14th.
*Blue Christmas Service – Sunday, December 22, 10:30 a.m. Do you wish to spend time with God in reflection? Some of us are mourning the death of a loved one, a job loss, or feeling overwhelmed by expectations. This service offers space to focus on the comfort and healing God offers during dark times.
*Christmas Eve Candlelight and Holy Communion – Tuesday, December 24, 4:30 p.m. Come! Celebrate the birth of Immanuel, God with us. A choir practices each Sunday morning during Advent at 8:15 am and will sing at this Christmas Eve service. If you like to sing, come sing in this festive choir!
*2025 Offering Envelopes – If you have been getting offering envelopes in the past, they are now ready to be picked up in the West coatroom. If you would LIKE to have envelopes this year, contact Amanda, there are some extras. Thanks!
*Help us fill the RED Kettle! Bells will be ringing for the Salvation Army on Friday, December 20th 8:00-4:00 at F & M Community Bank in Preston and from 4:00-7:00PM at Preston Foods. Bell ringing shifts will be ½ hour and everyone is welcome to ring! If you are interested in ringing bells or have any questions, give us a call at 507-765-3823 and ask for Cami or Brenda. Or you can email Brenda at If you are not able to stop by the kettle on the 20th, but would like to donate, financial contributions can be dropped off anytime or mailed to F & M Community Bank, PO Box 467, Preston, MN 55965. Checks should be made out to Salvation Army, Fillmore County. Thank you!
Birthdays and Anniversaries
12/5 Chase Gatzke, Jaidyn Finseth
12/6 Zach Olstad
12/7 Bryce Corson
12/8 Judy Johnson, Kurt Reicks, Karen Schmidt, Christy Gildner
12/9 Diem Finseth, Scarlett Mathison
12/10 Jaxton Heibel
12/11 Joel Mielke, Janet Erdman
Please keep in your prayers….
Danny Serfling
Jacob Johnson
Jon Haugan
Jason Schwingle
Val Christensen
Rosalie Krips
Katie Sullivan, sister of Kim Ristau
Jill Miller
Amy Timmerman
Carole Engen
Axel Heller
Bo Bakke
Bridget Case
Walt Hansen, who is at Minnesota State Veterans Home, Preston
Marilyn Bunge, who is at Green Lea Manor, Mabel
Arnie Keene, who is at Harmony Care Center
Mary Lou Hansen, who is at Harmony Care Center
Ann Ott, who is at Harmony Care Center
Arlene Bakalyar, who is at Park Lane Estates
Irene Aarre, who is at Traditions
Averlene Marzolf, who is at Traditions
Helen Haugerud, who is at Traditions
Linda Hahn Smith, who is at Traditions
Barb Barrett, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Arlen Kiehne, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Alice Cummings, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Jim Fossum, who is at The Fillmore Place