Love God, Love People, Follow Jesus
3 Ava Severson/Grant Tieskotter
10 Joshua Bakken/Taelyn Kerns
17 Reese Larson/Katelyn Scheevel
24 4:30 p.m. Maggie and Melony Wingert
31 Lilianna Dempewolf/Jax Heibel
Altar Guild……………Jennifer Pickett/Diane Johnson/Chris Olson/Susan Hager
Sunday, December 31
9:00 a.m. Worship – Service of Lessons and Carols
10:00 a.m. Radio Broadcast
No Sunday school
Monday, January 1 – Office Closed
*INTERGENERATIONAL FUN DAY: TRIVIA AND MEMORIES – Sunday, January 14th from 10-10:45 | All ages, kids through the Greatest Generation: The Greatest Generation. Baby Boomer. Generation X. Millennials. Generation Z. And the youngest among us – Generation Alpha. Any given Sunday at Christ Lutheran we interact with people from multiple generations. Let’s have fun getting to know the different generations. Following worship, gather in the Fellowship Hall for a lively round of Generation
Jeopardy and to share some memories from church and Sunday School. How are our memories similar? How are they different? Come for the treats and fun, stay for the friendships.
*Baptismal Anniversary Celebration, Sunday, January 14, 2023– Children baptized between November 27, 2022 and December 2, 2023, their parents, and family are invited to worship on Sunday, January 14 for Baptism of our Lord Sunday. We will celebrate their baptism with a blessing and a small gift. We look forward to celebrating with you.
*2024 Offering Envelopes – If you were using offering envelopes last year, they are now available to be picked up at the church- in the East Coatroom. We do have a few extras this year, so if you are not currently using them but would like to, contact Amanda in the office.
*Kitchen Cleaning Day – We will be having a kitchen cleaning day on Tuesday, January 9th at 9:00 a.m. If you can come help, please bring some of your favorite cleaning products with you.
Please keep in your prayers….the family of Elaine Hellickson
Levi and Julia Olstad and family at the loss of her mother, Elizabeth LaFleur
the family of Lori McCabe
Val Christensen
Steven Kling
Barb Barrett
Rosalie Krips
Richard Johnson
Bo Bakke
Bridget Case
Marilyn Bunge, who is at Mabel Care Center
Walt Hansen, who is at Harmony Care Center
Adie Milne, who is at Harmony Care Center
Ann Ott, who is at The Harmony Place
Betty Riehl, who are at Park Lane Estates
Helen Haugen, who is at Park Lane Estates
Arlene Bakalyar, who is at Park Lane Estates
Irene Aarre, who is at Traditions
Averlene Marzolf, who is at Traditions
Lew Randall, who is at Traditions
Helen Haugerud, who is at Traditions
Jeff Trende, who is at Traditions
Arlen Kiehne, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Alice Cummings, who is at Chatfield Care Center
Jim Fossum, who is at The Fillmore Place
Jan Milne, Brookdale Senior Living
Evie Christianson, who is at Seasons of Apple Valley
DeWayne Vogt, who is at Luther Oaks Skilled Nursing Care, Bloomington, IL
509 Kansas St NW
Preston, MN 55965