Christ Lutheran Church – VBS and Outdoor Worship – We are planting a pizza garden!
WHO: Tues and Thursday June 11 and 13 – Programming for kids turning 5 on or before September 5, 2024, through grade 6, & younger preschoolers accompanied by a caring adult. SUNDAY evenings are for all ages! Households will be asked to help provide meals.
WHO ELSE: Youth entering grades 7 and older and caring adults are needed to lead games and other activities, provide and serve meals, etc. The online registration form has a place for you to indicate you wish to help!
WHAT: food, fun, Bible stories, music, games, and activities!
*Enjoy a meal provided each evening (6-6:30 pm)
*Plant and tend a pizza garden
*Participate in games, activities, & learn new songs
*Learn about the Parable of the Sower and other Bible stories
*Participate in games, activities, & learn new songs
*Learn about the Parable of the Sower and other Bible stories
Sunday nights – Light meal (6-6:30pm); Outdoor worship and activities for all ages (6:30-7:30 pm)
There will be additional activities for kids and interested adults.
Sun. June 9 – plant the pizza garden
Sun. July 14 – tend the pizza garden
Sun. June 9 – plant the pizza garden
Sun. July 14 – tend the pizza garden
Sun. August 18 – harvest the garden and make pizza!
Tuesday, June 11, and Thursday, June 13 – Light meal (6-6:30pm); Story, song, activities, and games for pre-k to 6th grade (6:30-8:00pm)
Tuesday, June 11, and Thursday, June 13 – Light meal (6-6:30pm); Story, song, activities, and games for pre-k to 6th grade (6:30-8:00pm)
Tues, Jun 11 – Planting Seeds
Tues, Jun 13 – Taking Root