This coming Lent, our journey at Christ Lutheran includes trying new things and embracing traditions. Starting Ash Wednesday, February 14th our Wednesday nights will include soup suppers and an opportunity for all ages to join in conversation and prayer practice on a Psalm, followed by worship with the Holden Evening Prayer service. The Wednesday schedule is (Feb. 14, Feb. 21, Feb. 28, Mar. 6, Mar. 13, Mar. 20):
6 pm Soup supper – Church members sign-up during worship or in the church office to bring soup/sandwiches/milk and help assist the confirmation students with setting up and serving.
6:15-6:45pm – Conversation, Coloring and Psalms. Each Wednesday we will explore a Psalm through conversation and coloring. All Congregation is welcome!
7-7:30 pm-Holden Evening Prayer Service.